Disclosure: Unless otherwise noted, we own and use every item that you will see on our RV Gear pages. Our hope is that you get some ideas for what might work for you. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR RIG! The opinions expressed here our ours alone. If you use our links to purchase something, we may receive a small commission (more beer money!), but the cost to you will be the same.
Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (“TPMS”)
When we started RVing, one of the first items that we purchased was a tire pressure monitoring system. We started with a 4-sensor TPMS for Sally, our travel trailer. We only owned the trailer for a couple months though (“You Got Hitched? I Towed You It Wouldn’t Last”). When we moved Birdie, our Class C motorhome (“We Married Up to a Class C Motorhome”), we bought a bought a 6-sensor TMPS. When we bought BIG LADY, our Super C RV (a 2022 Entegra Accolade XL 37L), we bought a 10-sensor TMPS and spare sensors.
Sally the Travel Trailer, a Coachman Spirit Ultra Lite 2245BH)
Birdie, our 2019 Jayco Greyhawk 31F
BIG LADY, our 2022 Entegra Accolade XL 37L
4-Sensor TPMS
We originally used this TMPS for our travel trailer, which had four wheels. If we were starting over, we would purchase a 10-unit TPMS and not have two separate systems.
6-Sensor TPMS
We purchased this TPMS for the six tires on our Jayco Greyhawk to complement the 4-tire TPMS we already had for the travel trailer.
10-Sensor TPMS
We broke down and upgraded to this Tireminder 10-tire TPMS to monitor the 6 tires on our RV and the 4 tires on our tow vehicle.
Spare Sensors
We carry a couple of spare Tireminder transmitters with us.
Pressure Gauge
We use this for quick tire pressure checks.
Portable Air Compressor
This fits snuggly in one of the exterior compartments of our RV.
Air Chucks
Air Chuck with Pressure Gauge
This device helps us get the exact right amount of air in our tires.
Valve Extenders
Magne Shade Tire Covers
We own some foldable tire covers from Magne Shade. They are the EZ Fold RV Tire Shade:275 80 22.5. We like them because they fold up easily into a bag and they also look nice.