Did you hear the one about the Corn Palace in Mitchell South Dakota? (Corn Jokes and Corn Puns!)

Where:  Corn Palace (Mitchell, South Dakota)
When: July 3, 2021
Cost:  Free

There’s probably nothing more “American” than an elaborate corn-covered community building in the middle of the Great Plains filled with corn-themed gifts and facts.   Yes, the Corn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota is a testament to the creativity and longevity of a basic tourist attraction.

We had to check it out.   Not only did the Corn Palace exceed our expectations, we actually learned quite a bit.  

Oh, and we told a few corn jokes and made lots of corn puns. See if you can spot them :-)

Fun Facts About the Corn Palace:

  •  #1: It’s the only one.

From about 1890 to 1930, there were at least 34 corn palaces that sprouted up throughout the world. The Corn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota in the last in the field. I guess it’s now a unicorn.

  •  #2: It’s a huge tourist attraction. 

The Corn Palace attracts at least a half of a million visitors each year.  It’s a good place for kids, moms, and pop corns.  But you probably should not take your corn dogs — especially in the summer….‘cause they will turn in to hot dogs.

  •  #3: It’s old.   

In 2021, the current Corn Palace building was celebrating 100 years!

The first Corn Palace in Mitchell was built in 1892.  The current building was constructed in 1921, and the distinctive onion-shaped domes were added in 1937.   Hmmm, why not corn-shaped?

The current building was designed by Rapp & Rapp, an architecture firm based out of Chicago. And guess what their first names were? George and CORNelius!

  •  #4: It’s got a-maize-ing designers.

Past designers of the murals at the Corn Palace include Oscar Howe (1948-1971), Calvin Schultz (1977-2002), Cherie Ramsdell (2003-2017), and Dakota Wesleyan University students (2018 to present).  A rumor is that whenever one of the artists is complimented on a design, they just respond: “Ah, shucks, that’s sweet.”

  • #5: It’s a hybrid of colors.

About 12 different corn types are used to decorate the Corn Palace, including red, brown, black, blue, white, orange, calico, yellow and green corn.  What a variety!

  • #6: It’s big!

A typical design will include about 1.5 million nails and 325,000 ears of corn.   That’s not just big, that is husky!

  • #7: It costs about $175K to decorate.

That’s actually less than a buccaneer. Buck-an-ear. Get it?

  • #8: It’s got a lot on its plate.

To make the design, the artists create a “paint-by numbers” pattern showing where each colored cob should be placed.  Each year, I think the corn design gets butter.

  •  #9: It was intentionally set on fire.

In 1978-1979, three fires were intentionally to the Corn Place. Until the roof, lighting, and sprinkler systems were replaced after a 1979 fire, the building was pretty earie.  The arsonist was never apprehended but, I suspect he was also a stalker and a cereal killer.

Cornelius at the Corn Palace with the Class C Broads

  •  #10: It’s a music venue. 

Past musical acts have included Lawrence Welk, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Brad Paisley, Pat Benatar, Cubby Checker, and the Beach Boys.   Now, that’s music to my ears.

  •  #11: It’s a sports venue. 

The sports played there include boxing and basketball.  The Harlem Globetrotters were frequent guests in the 1930s and 1940s.  Today, it is home to the Dakota Wesleyan University Tigers and the Mitchell High School Kernels basketball teams.  Unfortunately, in the last game, the Kernels got creamed.

  •  #12: You can buy a cornicopia of corn-themed gifts there.

I hear they cornered the stalk market. 

Corn for sale at the Corn Palace

  •  #13: It’s home to the annual Corn Palace Festival. 

Historically the “cornival” was held at harvest time in September, but recently it has been held at the end of August.    

  •  #14: It’s free.

But it may cost you if there’s a special event inside.  And check the calendar for closures like on holidays, especially New Ear’s Day.

  •  #15: You “can” see the corn any time. 

Yep, there’s a corn cam.

  •  #16: You’re Wel-corn

I wrote a song about the Corn Palace and a lot of these fun facts. So yes, you’re wel-corn.

Corn-cluding Thoughts

We loved the Corn Palace! Make it a part of your travels through South Dakota if you can. It’s an easy to find-place with lots of signage right off of Highway I-90. You will love it too, I promise. And please send us some new corn jokes and puns.



Corn Palace Song (and Official Music Video)


Christmas at Rocky Pond (Belleville, Kansas)